2023 Sporting Regulations
Table of Contents
⦁ Aims
⦁ General Principles
⦁ Codes of Conduct
⦁ Regulation Adjustments
⦁ Liability Forms
⦁ Disclaimer
⦁ Safety
⦁ Overview
⦁ Safety Apparel
⦁ Racetracks
⦁ Competitors
⦁ Officials
⦁ Pits
⦁ Karts
⦁ On-track Incidents
⦁ Fire Safety
⦁ Driver Requirements
⦁ Age
⦁ Minor Release Forms
⦁ Licenses
⦁ Substance Abuse Policy
⦁ Ability
⦁ Participants
⦁ Spectators
⦁ Mechanics & Crew
⦁ Conduct
⦁ Apparel
⦁ Race Overview
⦁ Driver’s Meeting (Briefing)
⦁ Flags
⦁ Lights
⦁ Officials
⦁ Staging
⦁ Speed Limits & Vehicle Restrictions
⦁ Rolling Start
⦁ Gearbox Kart Starting Procedures with Lighted Gantry
⦁ Re-starting
⦁ Race Stoppage & Re-start Procedures
⦁ Disqualification
⦁ Race Finish
⦁ Wet Race
⦁ Event Format
⦁ Qualification
⦁ Three “Finals”
⦁ Pre-Final
⦁ Final
⦁ Technical Overview
⦁ Chassis
⦁ Engine
⦁ Fueling, Fuel & Oil
⦁ Tire & Wheels
⦁ Race Numbers
⦁ Transponders
⦁ Pre-Event Technical Inspection
⦁ Scaling
⦁ Parc Ferme
⦁ Series Overview
⦁ Schedule
⦁ Race Day Schedule
⦁ Event Cancellation
⦁ Classes
⦁ Championship Points
⦁ Manufacturer’s Points
⦁ Points System
⦁ Code Violations
⦁ Offenses
⦁ Contact of Karts
⦁ Warnings
⦁ Categories of Penalties
⦁ Penalty Range
⦁ Protests
⦁ Appeals
1. Aims
This manual contains the rules, regulations and technical requirements that govern both the F-Series GearUp Challenge Championship and the F Series State Championships. This rulebook provides pertinent information to assist in the preparation of racing karts for competition, in addition to an overview of the rules that apply to all of the F-Series racing programs.
2. General Principles
2.1 Codes of Conduct
Unless optional equipment or modifications are specifically permitted by this rule book, they are prohibited. The intent of these rules is determined by the F-Series. Each written rule contained herein will override a competitor’s interpretation of said rule. Verbal approval, regarding the interpretation of a rule and/or procedure, from The F-Series, without a written statement from the Supervisory Official(s), will be deemed invalid.
2.2 Regulation Adjustments
The F-Series strives to provide clear regulations and to maintain minimal changes throughout the season. The F-Series will make all attempts to provide 15-day notices for all rule changes. If it is necessary to implement a rule immediately the F-Series will publish a date at which the rule will take effect. All changes will be sent out to the competitor database and can be located on www.thefseries.com.
2.3 Liability Forms
The F-Series requires all event participants to sign a waiver of liability prior to any on-track activity or entrance to the pit area. These executed waivers release the F-Series, the owners, officials, representatives, employees, sponsors and members from any and all liability claims. Parents or legal guardians of a minor participant are mandated by the F-Series to fill out the Parental Consent Release, Waiver of Liability, and Assumption of Risk Indemnity Agreement prior to participation and/or attendance. Each minor must present a copy of their birth certificate prior to participation (upon registration).
2.4 Disclaimer
This rule book outlines the guidelines that govern both the F-Series GearUp Challenge Championship and The F Series State Championships and requires all participants to understand and comply with the rules contained herein. These rules ensure that all F-Series branded competitions are managed fairly and properly. These rules are, in no way, a guarantee or warranty against injury or death to participants, spectators and/or other persons.
3. Safety
3.1 Overview
The goal of the F-Series is to provide participants with a safe and professional racing experience. Various aspects of the program are continually monitored to ensure the safest events for all participants.
3.2 Safety Apparel
All drivers are required to wear appropriate safety gear and are subject to random safety apparel checks.
3.2.1 Driving Suits
Suits are to be manufactured for the sole purpose of kart racing and must be constructed of a heavy abrasion -resistant material. Nylon and leather are the only acceptable materials; all other apparel is not permitted. When the driver is in a seated driving position, the suit must cover both ankles and wrists.
3.2.2 Helmets
All drivers must wear a helmet meeting the standards listed below:
Snell Foundation Specifications:
FIA Helmets Expiration Date
10 Year cycle from FIA date.
FIA 8859-2015
FIA 8860-2018
FIA 8860-2018 ABP
Snell Foundation
Expiration Date
M or SA 2015 12/31/2025
CMR or CMS 2016 (Youth) 12/31/2026
K, M or SA 2020 12/31/2030
SFI Specifications Expiration Date
41.1/2013 12/31/2023
24.1/2015 (Youth) 12/31/2025
31.1 or 41.1/2015 12/31/2025
24.1/2020 (Youth) 12/31/2030
31.1 or 41.1/2020 12/31/2030
24.1/2021 (Youth) 12/31/2031
When driving, hair must be retained within the driver’s protective apparel, using a hair net, hood or balaclava.
3.2.3 Gloves
Gloves must be manufactured for racing and offer abrasion-resistant qualities.
3.2.4 Racing Shoes
Shoes must be manufactured for racing and offer abrasion-resistant qualities.
3.2.5 Neck Brace
Neck braces are mandatory in all cadet and junior classes and are recommended in all Senior classes. Braces must be SFI-approved foam and/or a Leatt or Valhalla type. Loss or lack of required neck braces during on-track activity may result in a black flag.
3.2.6 Chest Protectors
All drivers under 13 years of age must wear an SFI-approved chest protector.
3.3 Racetracks/Venues
Tracks and facilities rented by the F-Series management are closely inspected and monitored before an event and throughout the season. The employees and representatives of the F-Series work diligently with the event facility to provide the participants with the safest event possible. The F-Series rents these facilities, and as a result, cannot ensure the adequacy, safety, equipment or condition of the race track. The owner of the facilities and the competitors are ultimately responsible for safety-related matters. The F-Series reserves the right to cancel, delay or re-schedule any or all events if it is deemed that any competitor’s safety could be compromised.
3.3.1 Course Direction
Competitors must always adhere to the direction of travel as stated by race officials. If a competitor independently proceeds in the opposite direction of travel on a track (except to remove oneself from a dangerous position), penalties may apply.
3.3.2 Re-Entry to Racing Surface
In the event a competitor exits the racing surface, it is their sole responsibility to first move their kart to a safe location before attempting to safely re-enter the course. Leaving the racing surface during race sessions will be investigated and if the official timing officer feels that an advantage is gained, penalties may apply.
3.3.3 Stopping on Racing Surface
In the event a competitor is forced to stop on the racing surface, they must immediately raise both hands above their head, signaling to both officials and other competitors. After signaling, the competitor must immediately remove the kart from the racing surface to a safe zone as quickly and safely as possible, before attempting to safely re-enter the course.
3.4 Competitors
Every competitor has the right to withdraw from an event due to a real or perceived safety concern. Drivers are directly responsible for their race vehicle and equipment and are obligated to minimize the possibility of risk of injury or death to themselves and others. The F-Series does not assume any liability for a participant’s race vehicle or equipment. Competitors are obligated to report any personal, track condition, venue, official or equipment inadequacy, issue or concern to an F-Series official.
3.5 Officials
F-Series officials first and foremost prioritize safety and will report directly to the F-Series Supervisory Officials. If any safety concerns are apparent, race officials have the authority to take necessary action.
3.6 Pits
3.6.1 Pit Lane
Racing vehicles in-motion must adhere to a moderate speed limit in pit lane. When entering or exiting the race track, drivers must yield to on-track race vehicles until it is safe to enter.
3.6.2 Staging Area
The F-Series has the right to limit the crew allowed into the staging area for each, individual driver and may revoke entry permission to any individual or support personnel for misconduct or non-compliance with rules and regulations. All competitors and crew are required to sign the release waiver of liability before entering the staging area.
3.6.3 Pit Area
The tent, work and team trailer area must be kept orderly at all times.
3.7 Karts
All karts must pass pre-technical inspection prior to entering the staging area. Karts may be subjected to random safety checks throughout the event, as well as, post-technical inspection. If any race vehicle is found to be non-compliant with the safety rules and regulations, the race vehicle will be suspended from competition until all safety concerns are rectified.
3.8 On-track Incidents
In the event of on-track incident, F-Series officials and medical personnel are the only persons authorized to be on-track. The medical staff at the venue have the authority to examine injured drivers who must be cleared prior to further competition. If an on-track incident involves one or more drivers, each competitor must fill out a report. Damaged race vehicles are subject to re-inspection before returning to the day’s events. If a race vehicle has sustained sufficient damage to the extent that it cannot compete safely, the use of a second chassis must be approved by the Race Director.
3.9 Fire Safety
The use of open flames, for any purpose, is forbidden. All local and state fire safety laws must be obeyed.
4. Driver Requirements
4.1 Age
The class structure of the F-Series determines the age requirement for each class. A driver’s racing age shall be determined by the age attained through the calendar year, however a competitor may move up in classes when that drivers birth date allows him or her to participate in more than 50% of that year’s official scheduled events at the required age for that specific class. A driver may remain in a lower age division class as long as he/she participates that in at least one round of the championship at the correct age for that particular class. Age requirements are listed at www.thefseries.com
4.2 Minor Release Forms
Any competitor under 18 years of age requires a parent or legal guardian to sign and date the Parental Consent Release prior to each event. An Annual Parental Consent form must also be completed. A certified birth certificate must be kept on file. Falsification of documents will result in suspension of membership. Forms can be found on www.thefseries.com.
4.3 Licenses
4.4 Substance Abuse Policy
There is a no-tolerance substance abuse policy at F-Series competition events. Any competitor that is found, or suspected to be, under the influence of any mind/performance-altering substance(s) will be immediately ejected from the premises, reported to the local authorities and banned from competing at any additional F-Series events.
4.5 Ability
If officials believe there is a safety concern to the entrant and other competitors due to the lack of equivalent skill level, a driver may be removed from competition. All such decisions will be made by the Supervisory Officials and are final. Such decisions will be evaluated on a per-event basis.
5. Participants
5.1 Spectators
Anyone attending the event that is not a competitor or crew is restricted from designated competition areas and must adhere to rules and regulations in this manual and those posted by the race venue.
5.2 Mechanics & Crew
All team personal are required to complete the necessary paperwork prior to participation in the event, including but not limited to the release waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement; if any team member is found to be in violation of this requirement, they will be subject to penalty. If any crew member acts inappropriately towards any F-Series officials they are subject to expulsion from the event. Drivers are ultimately responsible for team members and are subject to penalty for their actions.
5.3 Conduct
Dangerous, reckless, inappropriate, or careless behavior, verbal arguments or physical altercations towards competitors, spectators and crew, and/or F-Series officials will not be tolerated and may result in expulsion from the event. Disputes between competitors must be addressed with the Race Director. Any physical altercations with officials or other participants may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
5.4 Apparel
All drivers and crew must make every effort to present themselves in presentable and tidy attire. The F-Series will not tolerate inappropriate or offensive apparel and will require a participant to adhere to series standards.
6. Race Overview
6.1 Drivers Meeting (Briefing)
The drivers meeting held at each event is mandatory for all drivers. The briefing will include details on the track, technical/operational requirements and overall event activities. Failure to attend any mandatory meetings or briefings may result in penalties.
6.2 Flags
It is the responsibility of drivers to understand the significance of each flag used by officials. Repeated failure to obey flag signals may result in penalty and/or expulsion from an event.
The following flag signals will be displayed at the Start/Finish line (or other specified areas as discussed in the Driver’s Briefing) and their significance is outlined as follows:
6.2.1 Green Flag
This flag indicates the start of an on-track event. A green flag also indicates that normal racing conditions apply.
6.2.2 Red Flag
This flag indicates a perceived need for medical attention and/or track conditions that require stopping a track session. When this flag is displayed, all track corners will display a waving red flag and drivers are required to safely slow to a moderate pace and return to the designated area (generally the Start/Finish straight). Drivers must be prepared to come to a full stop on the circuit should conditions warrant. A red flag may be displayed after the inadvertent display of the green flag, should a restart be required.
The red flag may also be used to close a track.
6.2.3 Crossed, Furled White Flag and Checkered Flag
The combination of these rolled flags indicates half of the race has been completed. The use of this signal is not mandatory.
6.2.4 Parallel, Furled White Flag and Checkered Flag
The combination of these rolled flags indicates two laps remaining in the race. The use of this signal is not mandatory.
6.2.5 Waved White Flag
Waved at the finish line, signifies the final lap of a race. The use of this signal is not mandatory.
6.2.6 Black and White Checkered Flag
This flag, waved at the finish line, signifies the end of an on-track event. In the event of inadvertent display of this checkered flag, the race shall be considered completed at the time of the display.
6.2.7 Rolled, Pointed Black Flag
Generally displayed along with a number board, this flag serves as a warning to a driver that they have been reported for unsportsmanlike behavior. Should the behavior continue, the driver may be removed from the on-track event and may be penalized.
6.2.8 Waved Black Flag
Generally displayed along with a number board, this flag is used to inform a driver that he/she must exit the track. Upon the display of this flag, the driver will no longer be scored. Should a driver ignore the instructions of this flag the driver may be penalized further.
6.2.9 Black flag with orange disc
Generally displayed along with a number board, this flag signifies that the kart or driver has an issue that warrants removal from the race track. Upon display of this flag, a driver must return to the pits at the next earliest opportunity.
The following flags signals may be displayed at any corner of the race track at any point during the event and their significance is outlined as follows:
6.2.10 Standing Yellow Flag
A standing yellow flag signifies minimal risk ahead. Drivers should approach with caution. Overtaking is not allowed from the moment the flag is displayed until the clearing of the incident or once passed the kart that drew the yellow flag. A ten second penalty may be imposed on overtaking karts in the section of the track that is “under yellow.”
6.2.11 Waved Yellow Flag
A waving yellow flag signifies considerable risks or danger ahead. Drivers should slow down and approach with extreme caution. Overtaking is not allowed from the moment the flag is displayed until the clearing of the incident or once passed the kart that drew the yellow flag. A ten second penalty may be imposed on overtaking karts in the section of the track that is “under yellow.”
6.2.12 Double Waved Yellow Flags (Full Course Yellow)
Double waved yellow flags signify a condition on the circuit that requires removal of a hazard that cannot be completed under full racing conditions. Upon the display of these flags’ drivers are required to safely slow and form a single file line behind the leader. The leader is required to maintain a safe, consistent pace. Upon the clearing of the hazard, drivers will be notified of a restart by the
6.2.13 Yellow Flag with Red Stripes
This flag signifies a significant reduction in traction or grip on the racing surface due to the presence of foreign material. This flag may be displayed until the entire field has been made aware of the hazard. It is permissible to overtake another driver when this flag is displayed.
6.2.14 Blue Flag
This flag will be waved as an indication to a driver that they are about to be overtaken and must give way. This flag signifies a command, not a request. Drivers failing to yield to overtaking drivers may be immediately removed from the track session via black flag.
6.3 Lights
A lighting system may be utilized at F-Series events at the sole discretion of the race director. Gearbox classes will utilize a lighting system for all F-Series races. Five red lights will illuminate in one second intervals and will turn off from one to five seconds signaling the start of the race. Lights, which remain illuminated, in conjunction with a set of yellow flags, signal an aborted start.
6.4 Officials
It is the obligation of all race officials, irrespective of the duties assigned to them, to act honestly, in good faith, to ensure objectivity and discretion, to promote The F-Series rules and regulations and to act in the general interest of the sport of karting. Officials must be 16 years of age or older.
All officials will report to the Supervisory Officials. The Supervisory Officials will be the final authority for all aspects of the event. The Supervisory Officials will include the Series Principal, Race Director and Technical Director.
Official positions may include:
Race Director and Assistants
Competitor Relations Officer
Administrative Secretary
Timing Officer
Technical Director and Scrutineers
Fuel Tester
Tire Tester
Scale Marshal
Flag Marshal
Pit Marshal
Starter Grid Marshal
Noise Control Marshal
6.4.1 Duties of the Race Director
The Race Director is responsible for the general conduct of the race and must ensure that sufficient, qualified officials are present to administer the event, disseminate pertinent safety information prior to competition, control competitors and their karts to prevent illegal competition, send karts to the start in correct order, receive protests from competitors, resolve issues that may arise and to continually communicate with race officials in order to ensure the efficient execution of each event. The race director, in conjunction with the Supervisory Officials, may modify rules without prior notice.
6.4.2 Duties of the Administrative Secretary
The administrative secretary is responsible for the organization of the race insurance forms, parental consent forms and competitor rosters. If necessary, they will assist the race director prepare information for the drivers meeting.
6.4.3 Duties of the Timing Officer
The timing officer will monitor the number of laps completed, record race order as karts cross the line, tally and publish points and record final placing for each class.
6.4.4 Duties of Chief Scrutineer, Scrutineers and Technical Inspector
The scrutineers ensure compliance with the technical aspects of the rule book. The functions of chief scrutineer, scrutineers, technical inspector, fuel tester and tire tester may be combined; they must report issues and important technical information to the race director.
6.4.5 Flag Marshals and Starters
Flag marshals will occupy director-assigned posts along the track and signal, by flag, to competitors. Each marshal must immediately report incidents occurring in their section of the track.
6.4.6 Duties of the Starter
Starters will signal the start of a competition with flags and boards, report unsatisfactory competitor behavior to the race director and determine if competitors are in breach of conduct rules.
6.4.7 Duties of the Pit/Paddock Marshal
The pit/paddock marshal is responsible for the general organization, layout and control of the pit area.
6.4.8 Duties of the Grid Marshal
The grid marshal is responsible for the proper organization, control and position of karts.
6.4.9 Duties of Scale Marshal
The scale marshal is responsible for weighing karts and drivers at the finish of every competition. Unsatisfactory weights will be reported to the race director.
6.4.10 Duties of Noise Control Marshal
The noise control marshal monitors and reports noise levels.
6.4.11 Competitor Relations Officer
The competitor relations officer will ensure the guiding principles of The F-Series rules and regulation manual are upheld, provide information and clarification on rules and ensure competitors and officials achieve equitable solutions to issues which may arise.
6.5 Staging
A competitor’s grid placement is determined by qualification, and thereafter, the previous heat. Drivers in an incorrect grid position should signal by raising their hand above their head. Competitors are responsible for starting the race in the correct position and may verify their position from the posted notice board. If a driver starts out of position, penalties may apply.
6.6 Speed Limits & Vehicle Restrictions
Pit areas are limited to 5 MPH; if this rule is disregarded, penalties will apply. Karts may not use their engine to drive through the cold pit, paddock, or work area and may not carry passengers. All persons operating a registered motor vehicle within the perimeter of The F-Series event must hold a valid, government-issued driver’s license.
6.7 Rolling Start
6.7.1 Pit lane/Grid procedures
When the signal is given by grid steward, drivers will begin the formation lap in grid order. Karts with mechanical issues and/or unable to start on time with the field may join the circuit up to the point at which the leaders reach the point designated by the Race Director. Any karts remaining on the grid will then be subject to a pit lane start once the field has taken the green flag and cleared the pit exit. Karts unable to join from pit lane after the completion of one (1) racing lap are not permitted to join the race.
6.7.2 Formation Lap(s)
Upon release from the grid, each driver must maintain their grid position until the start is signaled; failure to do so may incur a penalty. The field will complete the designated formation lap(s) before the start signal is given. Drivers unable to maintain their position may attempt to regain their starting position prior to reaching the point on the circuit designated by the Race Director. Drivers that have been overtaken by the entire field must not attempt to regain their position and must start at the rear of the field. The practice of weaving to warm or scrub tires during the first rolling lap is permitted.
6.7.3 Starting Procedure
Approaching the start, the driver on pole position must set a constant and consistent speed as instructed by the Race Director that all competitors must maintain. The starter will give the start signal when satisfied with the starting formation. Drivers may not accelerate until the starting signal is given. If a kart breaks formation before the start of a race or is non-compliant with the requirements, the starter and/or race director may stop the race and return the class to staging lanes and may penalize the offending driver(s), or invert the offending driver(s) starting position with the competitors directly behind and re-attempt the start, or may allow the race to continue and impose a 3 second penalty to the offending driver(s).
6.8 Gearbox Kart Starting Procedures with lighted Gantry
6.8.1 Pit lane/Grid Procedures
When the signal is given by grid steward, the karts will begin the formation lap in grid order. Drivers unable to take their proper grid position must start from pit lane after all start procedures have commenced and grid steward releases the driver once the field has passed the pit exit. Karts unable to start the race after the completion of one (1) racing lap are not permitted to join the race.
6.8.2 Formation Lap
During the formation lap practice starts are forbidden and the formation must be kept as tight as possible.
Overtaking during the formation lap is only permitted if a kart is delayed and karts behind cannot avoid passing it without unduly delaying the remainder of the field. In this case, drivers may only overtake to re-establish the original starting order. If a driver is delayed beyond all karts taking their proper grid positions that driver must start from the rear of the field.
6.8.3 Grid Positioning and Starting Procedure
When the karts take their grid position at the end of the formation lap, they will stop on their respective grid positions, keeping their engines running. There will be a standing start, the signal being given by means of lights activated by the permanent starter. Once all the karts have come to a halt the five second light will appear followed by the four, three, two and one second lights. At any time after the one second light appears the race will be started by extinguishing all red lights.
6.8.4 Aborted Start and Kart Restarting Procedures
If at the end of the formation lap a problem arises, the following procedures shall apply:
⦁ If a kart or driver develops a problem that could endanger the start the driver must immediately raise his/her hands above his/her head and the Starter will immediately wave a yellow flag and a one lap signal will be given. All karts able to do so must complete a further formation lap whilst the kart which developed the problem is moved into the pit lane or a safe place. Should the light sequence have started, the start will display a yellow flag while all other marshals display red flags signifying no-start and a re-grid on the next lap.
⦁ The driver may also then attempt to rectify the problem and, if successful, the kart may then start from the rear of the field or the end of the pit lane. Should there be more than one kart involved their starting order will be determined by the order in which they restart.
Additional formation laps due to an aborted start will count towards the designated number of laps for the race.
⦁ If, after the start, a kart is immobilized on the starting grid, it shall be the duty of the marshals to push it into a safe place or pit lane by the fastest route. Any driver being pushed from the grid may not attempt to restart the kart. Prior to the completion of one (1) racing lap, drivers are permitted to restart themselves from a safe location and participate in the race but will be disqualified if outside assistance is required
The race will nevertheless count for the Championship no matter how often the procedure is repeated, or how much the race is shortened as a result
6.8.6 Penalties as a result from Starts
Time or position penalties may be imposed for a false or jump start.
6.9 Re-starting of Karts
Competitors may re-start their engine during a race only from a safe and controlled location so as to not endanger themselves, other drivers, or officials. In the event of a spin or collision during the formation lap(s), cadets, rookies and juniors may re-start with the assistance of delegated officials, at the discretion of the Race
Director. Seniors may not receive assistance to re -start their karts. Karts must proceed as soon as safely possible to the direction of racing within one lap.
6.10 Race Stoppage and Re-start Procedure
Should the circumstance warrant the stoppage of a race, officials will do so by using red flags and/or lights. If a race is stopped on the first lap, the race will be restarted in original grid order. If the race is stopped after all lead lap karts have completed 50% of the scheduled duration, the race will be considered complete. Finishing results for the race will be based upon the last fully-completed lap for all karts on the lead lap.
Adjustments and repairs are not permitted from the display of the Red Flag to the re-start of the race. Any karts/drivers involved in a red flag stoppage may not be permitted to restart the race, at the sole discretion of the Race Director. Drivers deemed to have been solely responsible for such stoppages shall not be permitted to restart the race and may be subject to further penalties, including but not limited to loss of points for the round.
Any competitor involved in, and remaining at the scene of, a race-ending stoppage will be placed at the bottom of the results in the order that they ran on the last fully-completed lap for all karts on the lead lap. Additional penalties may be applied to competitors deemed to have been responsible for the incident.
6.11 DNF & DNS
All competitors who take the Green Flag on-track will be considered to have started the race and will be awarded points based on their finishing position, regardless of the number of laps completed. Competitors who do not take the start will not be awarded any points for the race and may count the race as a drop race.
6.12 Disqualification
Competitors disqualified from qualifying will start the first race at the back of the grid. Competitors disqualified from a race will not be eligible for points for that race and will start the subsequent race from the back of the grid.
6.13 Race Finish
A checkered flag may be shown on the finish line as soon as the leading kart has covered either the full race distance or allotted race-time has expired. Should the end of the race be signaled before the leading kart completes the scheduled number of laps or before the prescribed time has elapsed, the race is deemed finished at the time of the display of the flag. Should the signal indicating the end of the race be delayed for any reason, the race will be deemed to have finished when the leading kart has crossed the finish line after having completed the originally scheduled number of laps or after the prescribed time has elapsed.
All karts should travel directly to the scales without unnecessary delay and without performing donuts/celebratory laps. Karts unable to reach the scales and tech area by their own means will be assisted by officials.
6.14 Wet Race
The use of rain tires is prohibited until race officials declare a “wet race.” For the remainder of the day, the use of rains/slicks is at the sole discretion of the driver. Up to fifteen minutes may be granted to the first group of drivers changing tires. Drivers may install the slicks/rain tires on the grid. Delayed drivers and/or late entries will be arranged at the rear of the field in the order they arrive to the grid.
7. Event Format
7.1 Qualification
Competitors will only be allowed to qualify during their designated class qualifying session. Each qualifying session will range from seven to ten minutes in duration. Timing for each qualifying session will commence when the first kart is released from the pit lane and will close with a checkered flag at the finish line. Competitors will continue to be timed until the completion of their individual lap. The fastest single lap for each driver, from each class, will determine their respective grid positions. In the event of a tie, the next fastest lap will determine the grid position. Any competitor who fails to register a qualifying time will start in the rear of the field. Any driver circulating at less than a race pace or who deliberately interferes with another driver’s attempt to qualify may be penalized. Drivers without a working transponder may be provided with an alternate; this is considered a courtesy. Other means may be considered to set the grid should series officials deem necessary.
7.2 Three “Finals”
The standard “Challenge” event will include three races per race day, all of which will count individually towards the year-end championship. Competitors who have taken the start in the race will be eligible to score championship points in that race.
7.3 Pre-Final
In the event the race format is of the pre-final and final itinerary, the results of the pre-final will decide the starting positions for the Final. Karts that do not finish in the Prefinal will be gridded at the rear of the field in the order of laps completed. No points will be awarded for the Pre-Final. If any penalties are incurred in the Pre-Final, it may result in an adjusted starting position and/or expulsion from the main event.
7.4 Final Race
In the event the race format is of the Pre-Final/Final itinerary, Championship points will be awarded based on the results of the Final.
8. Technical Safety Overview
For detailed competition specifications, please consult The F-Series Technical Regulations Manual. Infringements upon safety rules and regulations, regarding any racing equipment, will be subject to severe penalties. The F-Series reserves the right to inspect any competitor’s equipment and fuel at any time during the event.
8.1 Chassis
Chassis must be CIK/FIA or F-Series-approved prior to competition. Karts are required to pass the mandatory safety inspection prior to any on track activity and must possess the approval documentation.
8.2 Engine
Competing engines must be listed within the current class structure. All engines must adhere to specified criteria and require technical inspection prior to competition.
8.3 Fueling, Fuel & Oil
Unapproved fuel additives are forbidden in The F-Series; any use will result in severe penalties. Fuel and oil must be stored in an approved container, as per the race venue, state and federal regulations. If the venue location does not offer a designated disposal area, all fluids must be disposed of in a way that meets EPA guidelines.
8.4 Tires & Wheels
Tire compound, size and manufacture are specified for each class. Any modification or use of tire prep chemicals is prohibited and may result in
disqualification/expulsion from the event. Tire wheels require technical inspection prior to competition and must possess approval documentation. Bar codes or paint may be used to monitor sets of tires registered for competition.
8.5 Race Numbers
Every competing kart must have a number clearly displayed on all four sides of the chassis. Each competitor will be assigned a number of their choice, if available, when registering for their annual license. Failure to display properly registered numbers may results in removal from the circuit and/or additional penalties.
8.6 Transponders
Transponders are required to be mounted and functioning for all sessions of a race day, including practices. Each driver is responsible for the working order of their transponder, whether rented or owned, and must mount it in a manner optimal for the scoring system and loss prevention. Transponders may not be shared by more than one driver, for any reason, unless authorized by timing officials. Any driver without a working transponder during the practice sessions may need to forfeit the practice session or be located toward the rear of the grid. Transponder replacement during qualifying, and/or hand scoring during an event, due to transponder failure or absence, is a courtesy and not an official obligation.
8.7 Pre-Event Technical Inspection
Every race vehicle and manufactured part must undergo a safety and technical inspection prior to any racing event. The F-Series reserves the right to disapprove inspected items if there is a safety or competitive advantage concern. After inspection, approval documentation will be signed and dated by the competitor. The vehicle will also be marked for visual proof of inspection through the event. If the safety inspection is not obtained, penalties will apply. Competitors are responsible for ensuring compliance with the technical aspects of these rules at all times during the event. Competitors may be asked to undergo random technical inspection of engine, chassis, tires, fuel, weight, etc. All inspections must be passed to receive points and finishing-positions counted toward championship standings.
8.8 Scaling
Specific minimum weights are required for each class and must be met at the conclusion of each timed session. Competitors have one opportunity to re-weigh themselves. If the competitor fails to meet weight, penalties may apply.
8.9 Parc Ferme
If parc ferme conditions exist at an F-Series event, race officials will assert and maintain control, fuel must be stored in appropriate containers, karts may not re-fuel, smoking, welding or use of any open flame will be prohibited, karts will be contained to a defined pit area while not racing, karts may not drive within the pit area, and the use of cycles, skateboards, scooters or other motorized vehicles will not be permitted during a race in the cold pits.
9. Series Overview
9.1 Schedule
The annual event schedule will be released as soon as possible to accommodate all F-Series participants. The number of annual events may vary due to date accommodation and venue availability. Details can be found on www.thefseries.com.
9.2 Race Day Schedule
Detailed practice and race day schedules will be available at the F-Series registration booth or on www.f1series.com. The F-Series will make all attempts to execute this timetable with precision; inclement weather and unforeseen circumstances may affect it.
9.3 Event Cancellation
While all dates and venues are subject to change, The F-Series will make all attempts to release revisions to the schedule with ample notice. The F-Series is not responsible for any financial inconvenience caused by the cancellation of an event. The annual event schedule can be found on www.thefseries.com.
9.4 Classes
All class and rule structures may change throughout the calendar year to ensure fair and safe competition. Only gas and oil engines may be utilized and all engines, exhaust and karts must adhere to the regulations set forth in the F-Series Tech Manual, unless otherwise noted below.
9.5 Championship Points
The accumulation of points based on Individual race finishes will decide championship point standings. Challenge and State competitors must compete in 60% of the season races to be eligible for year-end awards. Points accumulated at races will be calculated throughout the season and listed on www.thefseries.com.
9.5.1 Drop Races
For F Series “Challenge” Championships, competitor’s (3) lowest race results will not be counted towards the final championship standings and will be considered “drops.” Shifter Classes drop (1) lowest race result. Races not attended are eligible to be dropped, however participants must be registered and have a valid paid entry to the event.
Disqualifications for significant offenses, in the sole discretion of the F Series, may not be counted as a drop. Underweight karts, excluded from the points, may count the exclusion as a drop.
For State Championships, competitor’s (2) lowest race results will not be counted towards the final championship standings and will be considered “drops.” Races not attended are eligible to be dropped. Disqualifications for significant offenses, in the sole discretion of the F Series, may not be counted as a drop. Underweight karts, excluded from the points, may count the exclusion as a drop.
9.6 Manufacturer’s Points
All chassis registered for competition are eligible to accumulate points for a year end championship. Points will be awarded to the top eight positions of each class and combine all classes for one championship trophy. This championship may not use a drop formula.
9.7 Points System
Race points are awarded as follows:
Finishing Place Points Awarded
1st 25
2nd 20
3rd 16
4th 13
5th 11
6th 10
7th 9
8th 8
9th 7
10th 6
11th 5
12th 4
13th 3
14th 2
15th 1
9.8 Wet Race Points
Should the Race Director declare a “wet race” at any point during an event day containing officially scored sessions, all entered drivers will receive an additional 5 points in each class championship in which they are entered.
9.9 Shifter Bonus Points
Shifter classes will receive bonus points towards the season end championship based on finishing positions in Qualifying and the Pre-final. The Pole Winner in qualifying will receive 1 bonus point. The top-5 finishers in the pre-final will receive up to 5 bonus points.
9.10 Championship Point Tie Breakers
If two or more drivers finish the season with the same number of points, the higher place in the championship will be awarded to the holder of the greatest number of first places. In the event the tie continues, the greatest number of second places shall be referenced, and so on. Should the tie continue once all final finishing positions have been
referenced, the champion shall be the driver to first attain the highest finishing position in the respective series’ season.
10. Code Violations
10.1 Offenses
Offenses which may result in penalty or expulsion are listed as follows:
Making a false statement(s) to any official
Making a frivolous complaint or appeal
Assaulting, striking, touching, moving or applying force to another individual
Using offensive, inappropriate, or threatening language
Bullying or speaking to another individual in an intimidating manner
Bribing, attempting to bribe, or acceptance of a bribe
Enabling an ineligible person to enter and/or compete in a race
10.2 Contact of Karts
A driver who drives or acts in a manner that could endanger themselves or any other person(s) may be penalized. Maneuvers liable to hinder other drivers, such as premature or excessive direction changes, crowding toward the inside or outside of the track, abnormal braking or changes of direction, are strictly prohibited and may be penalized. During a race, a lone kart may use full width of the track. If approached on a straight line by a kart, which is either temporarily or consistently faster, the driver shall not make any movements in reaction to the kart behind.
10.3 Warnings
Verbal warnings may be issued for minor infringement(s) that do not advantage or disadvantage any competitor, are caused by inexperience, lack of familiarity or error in judgment. Any competitor under 18 years of age who is called before the race director for a verbal or written warning must be accompanied by a parent, legal guardian, coach or team manager. At no time may the parent, guardian, coach or team manager speak on behalf of the competitor and all conversations will be between the F Series Officials and the competitor.
10.4 Categories of Penalties
The race director may impose a penalty consisting of one or more of the following penalties:
10.4.1 Time Penalty
A time penalty, when added to a competitor’s total race time, may alter the result for that section of the event.
10.4.2 Position Penalty
A position penalty alters the finishing order of a competition. All affected competitors will receive a revised finishing order and corresponding points.
10.4.3 Points Penalty
A points penalty changes only the points allocated to the penalized competitor’s finishing position in that competition; it does not affect the finishing positions.
10.4.4 Exclusion from a Section
This penalty excludes the competitor from any points and placing entitlements for that section of an event.
10.4.5 Exclusion from the Race
This penalty excludes competitors from further participation in any section of the class and any entitlements. Competitors may still compete in other classes.
10.4.6 Exclusion from the Event
Upon exclusion from an event, a competitor will no longer be permitted to participate and will forfeit all results, points and awards earned during the event.
No fees will be refunded to excluded competitors.
10.4.7 Suspension
Upon suspension, competitors will not be permitted to participate in any F Series events for the duration of the suspension.
10.5 Penalty Range
Abuse or intimidation of an official
3 month – 1-year suspension Failure to attend drivers meeting
Position penalty
Assault of an official
1 – 5-year suspension Driving on-track in opposite
direction (except to remove oneself
Alcohol or drug-related from a dangerous position)
offenses Exclusion from the event
1 – 5-year suspension
Assault or intimidation Failure to obey official orders
1 month – 5-year suspension Exclusion from section of event
Non-conforming engine
Exclusion from the event
Speeding or dangerous driving on
the grid
Non-conforming fuel Exclusion from section of the Event
Exclusion from the event
Failure to slow for yellow flag
Tire treatment 5+ second time penalty
Exclusion from the event
Failure to maintain position for
Causing contact between karts yellow flag
10+ second time penalty 2 place penalty per position gained
Dangerous or aggressive driving Failure to cease racing for red flag
Exclusion from section of event Exclusion from section of the Event
10.6 Protests
All protests must be submitted in writing within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the section of the event in question. Protests must cite the rule(s) in question, along with any supporting evidence to be considered. Once submitted, protests may not be withdrawn. Competitors are encouraged to engage in a brief, informal discussion with Series Officials prior to escalating to a formal protest.
10.6.2 Administrative/Competition Protests
Administrative protests include, but are not limited to, eligibility, on-track actions, results and event protocols. The fee for administrative protests is $100. Should the F Series decide in the favor of the of the protesting party, the protest fee shall be refunded. Decisions to deny the protest are final.
10.6.3 Technical Protest
Technical protests relate to the legality of race vehicles and their components. The fee for a technical protest is $250. In the case that a technical protest requires the tear-down or measurement of an engine, the protested party shall be entitled to the protest fee.