Sponsor Contact
We are extremely fortunate to have the best partner team in the business and it must be known non of this would be possible without them. Please make sure to support locally!
Sponsor Oppertunities
If you are a company looking to act as a sponsor for the 2021 F-Series season, please send an email response to [email protected] with a detailed description of your company and/or your product(s). Please also tell us what your goals for participation are, and how you plan to activate/represent your brand onsite.
We have a sponsorship team that will review potential sponsorships and put together deals for the season. We would be interested in learning more about you and your brands. Only serious inquiries will be considered.
Vendor information
If you’re a company looking to be a vendor for the F-Series events please email [email protected] a description of your company and what you’re hoping to sell onsite. Also please note that if you’re a food or beverage company looking to sell onsite you’ll need to contact your local venue.
The series does not book food/drink vendors. Non Profit Organization Registration If any local or regional non-profits would like to register, to come set up free of charge, at F-Series events contact [email protected]
Non Proft organization Registration
Are you a local or regional non-profit organization, register and set up free of charge, at one of our local or traveling series events. contact [email protected] for further detail
Media Inquires
For press inquiries please contact Marco at 732-850-1893 or email to [email protected]